Dragons on our Path

I just read a blog entry about dragons–Let There Be Dragons–from a guide of mine. It struck a chord, and I decided to free-write a bit and see where it goes. I like the ideas in the article–our dragons are ourselves, of course, through procrastination, self-doubt, and giving in to the old dragon–Writers’ Block! What has my dragon done to me lately? Well, he complains to me and I let the anger from that say, I can’t create/write/paint now–I’m too upset. That dragon, let’s give him a name–let’s call him Rob (short for many other names). Rob is the basis of my self-doubt. When I was a young woman filled with insecurities and doubt natural to growing up, I first ran into Rob on my path. I was ill-equipped to fight him and allowed his fiery breath to take away all the possibilities I had ahead of me. I finally escaped into the forest for many years believing the things Rob had breathed on me.

But then I learned about a new path, one that had many new ways to travel–first letting a rebirth of my own dictate my self-worth. Through this journey I gained the strength to fight Rob. His fire doesn’t burn me for long, no matter when he throws it at me.

Where is Rob? He is with me always but I was able to strike a bargain with him–the old dragon and the old me–no longer barring my way. Oh, he occasionally falls into his own old dragon ways, he tries to blow out a little smoke and fire, but I retreat into the strength of my strong self and his fire burns out like a worn-out match. Dragons are eternal; I always carry a spray bottle of water.

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