Memories, Memorie, Memor…

This morning I made an appointment with my memory doctor. The last time I saw him, he said to come back in a couple of years – when I checked, that appointment was in 2002. So much for remembering to check my memory appointment with my memory doctor in a timely way.

Well, I’ve progressed down memory lane, or I guess I should say regressed. I now can’t remember what TV shows I’ve watched an hour later; I know TV isn’t particularly memorable, but I should be able to remember negative things as well as positives – whoops, can’t remember the positives either most of the time. My son grows very impatient with me these days, and I worry about waking up in Nursing Home Central with a sign next to me bed saying, you told me this is where you wanted to go, mother! And how can I argue?

My latest breach was through a committee I’m now a part of. I have to balance the checkbook – now wait, don’t begin laughing; it isn’t polite. Anyway, last month was my first month of being “the person.” The statement came and I sat down with the checkbook. We had written two checks that month and made one deposit. The checks had cleared but not the deposit, so I did all the correct adding and subtracting according to the instrux on the back of the statement and voila, it balanced. I put a nice round circle in the box next to the deposit.

Yesterday I got a phone call from the treasurer asking me for the quarterly report. Huh? I forgot I had to do the quarterly report, so I quickly grabbed the statement (now over a month old) and began the process of adding and subtracting to get to the balance. I noticed the deposit wasn’t cleared yet and that seemed strange because I’d put it in over six weeks ago. I called the bank this morning and they don’t have any record of the deposit. When she asked me some questions like, what was the check number? What was the date of deposit? Where did you make the deposit? etc. I remembered distinctly sending the deposit to the Milwaukee office, but when I came back here to call the donor, I realized that she’d given me cash. Then I began to doubt my sending cash through the mail – not something I’d usually do. Maybe I dropped it at the bank, maybe I didn’t make it at all. By now all the choices had me circling the wagons in my head.

So the upshot of this harrange is that I’m in charge of an account with less than 1,000 in it; in three months time, there have been only two checks and one deposit and I have no memory of what became or even began with this money. I did send a receipt to the donor, thanking her. I did the quarterly report without mentioning all this to the treasurer. The bank has given the account a provisional deposit of 25.00 and if we come up short in the end, I’ll just replace the 25.00, but this involves my remembering all this info, which, by the way, is the purpose of this blog. Help Me Remember to remember!!!

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